Washing clothes is extremely essential as it helps in getting rid of stains with ease. Whether we wash our clothes by hand or in a washing machine, detergent is used. Detergents make our tasks a lot easier to do. So, which is the best detergent for clothes? Well, before moving on with the best detergents, it is essential to know the ways in which clothes can be washed. Now, there are two ways of washing clothes, one by hand and the other by washing machine.

There are some stubborn stains too, that require pre-treating. This is where hand washing of clothes is done. To remove stains of mud or ink, you need to apply the detergent and rub it on the stain. Further, you need to leave the detergent on it for the stain to loosen. Finally, you rinse the cloth under cold water to get rid of the stain completely. Today, we will discuss the ways of washing clothes by hand using a detergent. Apart from using washing machines, hand washing is an alternative effective method. So, let us have a look at the ways of washing clothes by hand.

Ways to Wash Clothes by Hand

If you don’t have a washing machine, then washing clothes by hand is also an effective method. Delicate and sensitive clothes must be washed by hands and a mild detergent to keep them intact. Below are the ways that we can try to wash clothes. Have a look!

  1. Choose the Right Detergent

It is important to pick a mild detergent to wash delicate clothes like silk, wool, white fabrics, etc. Liquid detergent works best in such situations. To wash all kinds of delicate and normal clothes, get a liquid detergent and wash your clothes in them. You can also use baby shampoo for mild cleansing of clothes.

  1. Try No-Rinse Detergent

Delicate fabrics like silk, wool, lace, etc., do not require rinsing. You just need to soak the clothes in water. This will make the stains easy to remove and will also prevent the damaging of clothes. No-Rinse detergents can be found online that you can try to help retain the brightness and color of the clothes.

  1. Lanolin for Knitted and Woolen Clothes

Lanolin is a natural oil that makes garments clean and soft. Mix lanolin oil with detergent to prevent damage of knitted and woolen clothes. Woolens tend to lose their softness after continued washes. Thus, lanolin oil will help in restoring that, thereby making woolens soft and fluffy.

  1. Washing Light & Dark Clothes Separately

While washing clothes, be it with hands or washing machine, the light-colored clothes must be washed first. Save the dark-colored clothes for last. Wash white fabrics one by one so that no color gets contracted to the other cloth. If you have recently got a cloth dyed, then wash it separately in a different tub or basin to prevent the dye from getting on other clothes.

  1. Wash Clothes in Tubs

Use two different tubs for washing clothes with hands. Fill both the tubs and keep the temperature 85 degrees Fahrenheit, i.e., water should be warm enough. Do not use hot water as it can make the cloth bleed its color. Also, do not use too cold water and the stains will not be removed. In order to prevent the shrinkage of clothes, use normal water, neither too hot nor too cold. Remember to add detergent to just one tub for cleansing. Use the other tub for washing.

  1. Rinsing Clothes

Do not scrub the clothes after you have soaked them in the tub having detergent. Soak the garments for 5 minutes to loosen the stains. Once this is done, rinse the clothes under water. Place them in a tub filled with clean water and run them under the tap for 2 minutes. Make sure that the clothes look clean and not soapy. If the clothes are still soapy, place them under water again to get rid of the remaining soap. [If you are using a no-rinse detergent, then you can skip this step.]

  1. Do not Wring the Clothes

Avoid twisting the clothes as this can damage them to a great extent. On the contrary, lift the clothes up and let the excess water drip in the tub. Place the wet clothes on a clean surface and let them dry. Lay them flat on a countertop or table. Do not hang them vertically as this can ruin their shape.

  1. Flip the Clothes

Wait for two hours for clothes to dry. Flip on the other side of the cloth for it to dry. Keep the clothes overnight for drying. Air-drying is good for clothes to get rid of stains and wrinkles. Lay them flat rather than hanging to get effective results.

So, these are some of the ways of washing clothes by hand. There are a lot of detergents that you can use to wash clothes. But you need to decide as to which is the best detergent for clothes. Select a detergent that is hard on stains and mild on clothes. Look for alkaline-free cleansers that remove the stains without damaging the clothes. Follow the tips mentioned above for washing clothes and tell us whether it helped or not!


  1. Can I put laundry detergent directly on clothes?

If you are washing clothes by hand, then add detergent to the tub. And if you are washing clothes in a machine, then add detergent to the washer. In any case, you must not put the detergent directly on clothes. This can lead to discoloration, thereby damaging the clothes.

  1. Which is the best way to wash clothes by hand?

Use the steps mentioned above to wash clothes by hand. These tips will help you get rid of the stains effectively without damaging your clothes. Try them once!

  1. How to wash clothes?

If you are washing clothes by hand, then it is best to refer to the points mentioned above to clean the clothes effectively. On the other hand, if you are washing clothes in a washing machine then you first need to separate light and dark-colored clothes. Pour the detergent into the wash cycle and toss in the clothes. Wash the clothes and further, transfer the clothes to the dryer. After drying it in the washing machine, lay your clothes outside to air-dry them.