Checklist of the most common window problems and foggy window repair; if you encounter more than three, it is probably time to replace your frames rather than repair them.

Water Leak

When you detect water indoors near the window, it may be due to another problem. For example, clogged gutters and downspouts can force water towards windows; your window seals are supposed to hold water, but not the water of such force. Clean your gutters and see if that makes a difference.

Excessive water infiltration around the window can mean that your window’s outer casing is no longer watertight. It’s not so much a window frame problem as a facade problem.

Foggy Windows

Foggy windows signify that water is condensing inside the double or triple glazing. Glazing today is normally properly sealed by your glazier, unlike the multi-paned windows of the past. Even a seasoned handyperson cannot disassemble a double-glazing unit and reassemble it himself. Glass removal and replacement by a glazier is the only option. Replacing the chassis is, therefore, not necessarily necessary.

Cracked Or Broken Glass

Safety, as well as aesthetics, play a role in the decision to replace a window when the glass is damaged. The homeowner or a glazier can repair single-glazed windows efficiently and inexpensively. When a multi-pane glass is broken or cracked, you will also need to consider the option of a complete frame replacement. Indeed, this can be a good excuse to replace the entire window.

Broken Braces Or Mullions

Braces and mullions are usually wooden pieces that separate the glass panels. If they are false uprights placed only to create a window effect, they are often difficult to replace for lack of availability. But the bright side is that they don’t affect your window’s functionality. Rotten or cracked jambs and mullions should be replaced. Depending on the case, a little putty may hold the panes in place again. But it will sometimes be necessary to remove the glass and scrape before applying fresh putty combined with new glazier’s points.

Missing Or Rotten Drip System

The drip edge or system is an important part outside at the top of the window. This element allows the water flowing from the cladding to drain away, avoiding the glazing. This can be an easy repair that most DIYers can do. Aluminum “L” shaped strips are a high-performance, rot and rust-free option available at any DIY store.

The exterior Window Sill is In Poor Condition

Your window’s outer casing being loose, cracked, rotting, or missing is unattractive; it may damage your sash in the short term. But the damaged case alone does not lead to the replacement of the window.

Difficult Opening

A typical problem with older windows is difficulty moving the sashes or shutters. This could be due to too many coats of paint, a faulty or derailed hinge; and sometimes the absence of a spring. This problem can be fixed by Apex Window Werks for instance and does not require replacing the entire window.