Solar energy is not a new technology, but it is a mature and established technology. Millions of homeowners have installed solar panels in their homes thanks to incentives such as the federal income tax credit (ITC). It is important to research the best installer and the right materials before you make the decision to install a solar panel. It is also important to consider the pros and cons associated with solar energy when doing your research. Let’s take a closer glance and discuss the pros and cons of solar energy.


Are you frustrated by your high electricity bills, both in summer and winter? Solar panels can dramatically reduce your power bills, whether you send power to the utility company for credit or run power directly from the power generation. Your power bill can be reduced depending on how much solar panels are installed and how much energy they use. Your system will not only pay for itself over the lifetime of the array but you will also save more money than what you paid for it. Solar energy is becoming more affordable and utility rates rising, making it a smart choice for millions.


Ideal world would see every home have enough roof space to put solar panels. Unfortunately, this is not true. Some customers have roofs that are too shaded by trees and others that get sun but don’t receive enough. Older homes may have roofs made of materials that make solar installation difficult. This is why there might be customers who wish to install solar panels but it’s not feasible.


I have some great news for homeowners. Your home’s value will rise if you have solar panels installed. Solar panels are considered upgrades and are often purchased by customers from many states. The property value of homeowners who have chosen to go solar has increased by approximately 4%. According to the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy office, 4% of homeowners who went solar saw their property’s value increase.

“Additionally there is evidence that solar panels make homes more attractive than those without.”

You can expect to sell your house quickly if you have solar panels installed. People want to get in on the solar energy revolution. Solar energy is becoming more popular.


Even though solar panels have been cheaper in the past decade, most people will still spend more than $15,000 to install them. For many, this can seem like a prohibitive price. Customers who don’t have the funds to finance a solar system can still get financing. Leasing is a more popular option than financing, but it offers a lower rate of return and savings that system owners.


The federal government extended the solar ITCat 26 percent for two years in late 2020. Federal tax credits are a dollar-for–dollar reduction in income taxes due to the federal government. These credits are more valuable than a write-off because they reduce income taxes owed to the federal government dollar for dollar. The 26% tax credit, which is based on the net cost for your solar system, can be applied to your taxes for the year in which your system was installed. It also has a lifetime carryover provision. This means that if you don’t have enough tax liability (owe income taxes or owe them), any credit “rolls over” to the next year. You can get this wonderful benefit from a tax preparer if you have solar panels installed.


The cleanest way to generate energy is through solar energy. Solar panels don’t always produce power. This is due to a number of factors. Solar panels don’t produce energy at night. Your solar panels can produce less energy if they are shaded by trees or other foliage. Third, the angle and intensity of the sun can have an impact on how much energy solar panels produce. Fourth, cloudy or rainy days can have an impact on your energy generation. These are all important factors to consider when you decide to go solar.


Sustainable renewable energy is essential for the future survival of our planet. The sun’s energy is not diminished by taking sunlight and turning it into energy. Solar panels don’t emit greenhouse gasses, which is good news for the planet. Although there is a slight carbon footprint from the production of solar panels, this is quickly offset by solar’s “carbon offset”. This carbon footprint is significantly lower than that of natural gas or coal. Solar panels produce clean energy.

While there are some cons and pros to solar energy, the pros outweigh them all. Contact us today if you think it is time to go solar!

This post was written by a professional at Red Solar. was started with the mindset of renewable energy being the future. We want everyone to travel through this transition. We can all agree that solar is the best way to reduce your carbon footprint, but it’s not the only way. During a Red Solar energy evaluation, all energy commons in your home will be analyzed for results. Our expert technicians will guide you through the process for better understanding and reassurance. Contact us for more information today!