
The uppermost layer of the Earth’s surface is known as topsoil, and it is formed naturally over many years due to the degradation and breaking down of rocks into minute particles such as minerals and the accumulation of organic matter such as dead and decaying organisms. There are different types of topsoil and getting the correct type of topsoil is crucial for getting the results you desire from working on your garden. To get quality topsoil, you can search “topsoil near me” to find reputed online vendors.

The Considerations

Once you get the topsoil you want, you can use is to in a variety of ways. Here are a few ways you can use topsoil for your garden and lawn:

  1. Caring for your garden beds and flowers – Good-quality topsoil contains a blend of organic matter (decomposed plant and animal matter) and minerals that give it a rich dark color and make it incredibly suited for sustaining plant life. If you have not amended the soil in your garden in a while, it is a good idea to add a layer of quality topsoil to replenish the nutrient profile and nourish your plants. It can even solve issues such as improper pH balance and drainage problems.

All you need to do is till the area after spreading the topsoil evenly in order to combine the old and new soil. Next, add another layer to the top to allow the plants to take root in the new soil. Finally, add some much to improve the moisture retention and slow down weed growth. You can also mix the soil with compost to add even more nutrients.

  1. Fixing patchy and uneven lawns – Lawns can become uneven over time and develop areas where the grass refuses to anymore. This can happy due to excessive foot traffic and due to natural circumstances as well. Adding a fresh layer of topsoil is a very good remedy to fix patchy lawns and uneven sections.

You can spread good-quality store-bought topsoil over your lawn up to 1-inch deep, evenly distribute a few grass seeds, till the soil, and water it regularly to grow fresh grass. You can spread the soil a couple of inches deeper on the areas of the lawn that are depressed and care for it as you normally do to make them even. Eventually, the sections would become even when the grass underneath grows.

  1. Improving the appearance of your garden and lawn – Everybody wants a garden that not only looks great but also feels fresh too. The usual way to maintain the look of your garden is to mow the lawn, plant new flowers, remove weeds, and so on. However, if you want to completely change the look of your old garden and breathe new life into the plants, adding a fresh layer of topsoil is the answer. It’s also a smart decision since it would allow you to get many other benefits as well.
  2. Creating a new garden in an outdoor living space – If you don’t have a garden in your yard, you can add a fresh batch of topsoil to the desired section of your lawn to create a new garden. It’s a fairly simple process and you can customize the design and look of your garden any way you want. 

Simply spread a few layers of newspaper on the area that you want your flower bed to be and spread a few inches of topsoil over it. Next, mix it with compost and water it regularly for a few months to make the section ready for growing plants.

  1. Improving the drainage in your garden – Improper drainage can become a major problem in any garden or lawn. Fortunately, you can easily fix this issue by adding a layer of sandy topsoil with the densely packed soil of the section that is causing the problem and tilling it together until about 12-inches deep. Make sure to mix both the soils evenly to improve the circulation and drainage around the roots and prevent further drainage issues.

What type of topsoil should you use or purchase?

Inexperienced buyers often get confused when purchasing topsoil since there are different variants available on the market. Generally, topsoil can be categorized into two types — blended topsoil and organic topsoil.

  • Blended topsoil – Blended topsoil is generally excavated from construction sites and contains a mixture of organic matter such as compost and mineral matter. 
  • Organic topsoil – Organic topsoil is very different from blended topsoil. It includes peat, shredded wood, and moss.

Generally, it is better to purchase blended topsoil since they also include minerals that help to promote plant growth by providing the essential nutrients. Unfortunately, blended topsoil is not available easily in many stores and it is important to confirm the type of topsoil before purchasing it. It’s also a good practice to ask the vendor for a copy of a recent soil test to verify the soil type.

Can you use garden soil or potting soil instead of topsoil?

Store-bought topsoil is different from garden soil and potting soil. Technically, garden soil is a mixture of topsoil and nutrients such as fertilizer and compost that is designed for specific plant types. As a result, these tend to be costlier and better suited for growing specific types of plants.

Technically, potting soil doesn’t contain any soil at all. It’s made up of a mixture of organic materials such as composted sawdust and peat moss and is designed only for use in containers. Since organic matter is more lightweight than minerals, potting soil also tends to be lightweight as well. However, plants that grow on potting soil have to rely on a constant supply of fertilizer nutrients since they drain water rapidly. 


Now that you have learned the many different ways that topsoil can be used for your lawn and garden, it’s time to purchase some. Simply search “topsoil near me” on Google to purchase topsoil online or visit a local store or nursery to buy it offline.