Do those pesky mosquitoes keep you from going outside and taking in the splendor of nature this summer?

There may be something more serious going on than the fact that you can not enjoy your tea on the back porch. An infestation of mosquitoes can lead to more than just a few itchy bumps. A mosquito bite can cause serious sickness or even death if the mosquito is already carrying the disease.

Do you have a problem with mosquitoes in your yard? Read on and speak to an Anti-Pest control to discover the warning signs that suggest you need help.

  • Noise

Children’s laughter and the sizzle of burgers on the grill are quintessential summer sounds. The sound of a swarm of mosquitoes buzzing loudly should not be in the area. The sound of a high-pitched buzzing indicates more than a few mosquitoes are in the area.

Mosquitoes make noise by flapping their wings fast. However, mosquitoes are responsible for more than just a buzzing sound. Their sounds are quite high-pitched.

  • Biting

A mosquito problem may not be there if you just get bit occasionally. But if you or your kids have been bitten several times, that is cause for concern.

The female mosquito bites to draw blood for her eggs. Eggs can not grow without the protein in the blood. Male mosquitoes can survive on nectar from flowers rather than blood.

  • Pests That Eat Food

Insects have the same taste in food that you have. Mosquitoes will swarm over everything you leave out on the counter for too long. Fruit and flower nectar are two of a mosquito’s favorite foods.

Since they feed on flower nectar, male mosquitoes are particularly fond of sugary treats. If you have mosquitoes surrounding your food, it is time to bring in the pros to rid your home of the pests.

  • Infestations In Dark Places

While mosquitoes can not live without warm temperatures, they tend to avoid overly warm environments. A mosquito infestation is more likely in shaded areas of your property. If you can not eliminate your mosquito problem by hiring a professional, avoid the grassy areas in the shade on cool days. Otherwise, the insects will be roused into action when you walk across the cool grass.

  • Water Bodies

Mosquitoes are a certainty if you have any pooling water on your property. In stagnant water, female mosquitoes often lay their eggs. The eggs will have a great chance of survival in the water.

It is not uncommon for mosquitoes to lay their eggs in damp soil. Hundreds of mosquito eggs can be laid at once by a female mosquito. Therefore, the mosquitoes will continue to breed in your standing water until you take action to eradicate the problem.